Circular Economy as a tool to develop an innovative eco-inclusive social entrepreneurship educational pattern for youth

“ECO-CIRCLE: Circular Economy as a tool to develop an innovative eco-inclusive social entrepreneurship educational pattern for youth” is a 2-year Erasmus+ collaborative project in youth education focusing on circular economy and eco-responsible social entrepreneurship. By developing new educational patterns, ECO-CIRCLE looks to employ non-formal education methods such as gamification to educate youth and instil young people with the capacities to build a more sustainable future through eco-inclusive social entrepreneurship.
Take a look at our video for the project’s final Conference in Maribor and learn about ECO-CIRCLE!
During the 2 years the project is in effect, ECO-CIRCLE looks to deliver the following outcomes and project results (PRs):
• A multi-level project website available in 7 Programme languages & Social Media pages available in EN/FR/IT/ES/NL/FI/SL.
• Project Result 1 (PR1): ECO-CIRCLE’s Competency Framework for current and future social entrepreneurs, focusing on the necessary skills, capacities and attitudes needed to navigate the Circular Economy.
• PR2: ECO-CIRCLE’s e-learning platform and Online Course – an interactive and cutting-edge Online Course for young social entrepreneurs as well as youth workers and educators, looking to enhance their potential through Circular Economy and embrace more sustainable economic and business practices. The course will also assist and empower the adoption of a Circular Economy model in businesses still employing a linear model.
• PR3: ECO-app: educational e-game for ECO-agents of Change: An engaging web application deploying the non-formal education methods developed in the project to provide youth workers and social entrepreneurs with the knowledge needed to succeed in their field.

• National Focus Groups: with the aim of pilot testing the Project Results while capacity-building participants on their effective use, benefits and transferability potential, throughout which Partners will involve 60 experts, including established social entrepreneurs and educators on social entrepreneurship skills.
• Multiplier Events in each Country: Partners will organize final National Dissemination events in all participating countries (France, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Finland and Slovenia) to share and promote the project, as well as informing the participants of project results, the project partnership, activities realized in the project, and presentation of ECO-CIRCLE’s Competency Framework alongside mini workshops focused on capacity-building through methodologies established in the Framework.
• Present & future Young Social Entrepreneurs, Youth workers, Educators, Trainers, Facilitators and Learners with an interest in Circular Economy as a tool for social entrepreneurship.
• Partner organisations & their Staff.
• NGOs, Associations, Foundations, Youth Centers, Informal Groups of Youth, Non-formal training providers including SMEs, Municipalities, Development agencies as well as HEIs active in the field of environmental learning, entrepreneurship/social education, willing to test and incorporate the new training curricula into their educational offer.

Circular Economy as a tool to develop an innovative eco-inclusive social entrepreneurship educational pattern for youth

This project has been funded with the support of the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project No: 2021-2-FR02-KA220-YOU-000048126